The New American Garden Exhibtion landsa at Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore
The New American Garden: The Landscape Architecture of Oehme, van Sweden, opens at the Vollmer Visitor Center at the Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore, Maryland on January 14, 2017.
The traveling photographic exhibition chronicles the careers and influence of the firm’s founding partners, Wolfgang Oehme and James van Sweden.
Curated by The Cultural Landscape Foundation, the exhibition is presented by Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks and the Horticultural Society of Maryland, and sponsored by the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland. Prior Baltimore, the exhibition has been on view in Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
On Sunday, January 22, OvS Principal Eric Groft will present a lecture, The New American Garden: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, detailing how Oehme and van Sweden revolutionized landscape architecture with their horticulturally exuberant designs and how their philosophy translates to the firm’s current work. The event begins at 2 PM, please RSVP.