Bloomberg Center at Johns Hopkins University
The Bloomberg Center, a conversion of DC’s former Newseum, represents an iconic shift in adaptive reuse projects for the District’s downtown. Office space has been diminishing and higher education institutions have taken their place, often locating in key stretches of the monumental core. Working collaboratively with the client, design team, and multiple federal and local agencies, OvS developed the building frontage along Pennsylvania Avenue and a series of roof terraces meant to inspire the modern learning environment and provide key gathering space.
The ground level landscape includes large scale raised bronze metal planters set into the building’s plinth, siting for a large sculpture, and a refined palette of planting that explores the character of Pennsylvania Avenue’s landscape.
Roof terraces on levels 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9 extend interior program out. An outdoor reading room, library, and café space define the identity of lower terraces, while conference and event space define the upper, more expansive terraces, focusing outwards on views of the monumental core and the Capitol. An exuberant drought-tolerant plant palette in angled planters makes use of every available square foot of unprogrammed space and manages existing building features that were required to remain through the renovation. Custom built-in benches and loose seating furnish the terraces with collaborative and inspiring outdoor work space.
Ennead, Design Architect