A Visit From Susan Lucci
On Saturday August 24, 2013, a long standing friend and colleague of OvS, artist Linda DePalma visited the OvS-designed garden of Annachiara Danieli in Springs, East Hampton, NY.
In Full Bloom: The Native Plant Garden Meadow at NYBG
On Saturday August 10, 2013, OvS Principal Eric Groft accompanied Barbara Slifka to a Nature Conservancy event honoring both donors and Charlie Marder of Marder’s Nursery.
The Nature Conservancy Honors Donors
On Saturday August 10, 2013, OvS Principal Eric Groft accompanied Barbara Slifka to a Nature Conservancy event honoring both donors and Charlie Marder of Marder’s Nursery.
The Grand Opening of the Native Plant Garden at NYBG
The Native Plant Garden opened to the public with a ribbon-cutting on May 3, 2013 at the New York Botanical Garden in Bronx, New York.
Trinca Garden Named to Smithsonian Institution’s Archive of American Gardens
The OvS-designed garden of Simon and Rosita Trinca in Greenwich, CT, has been named to the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Gardens.
Plants We Love: Liriodendron Tulipifera (Tulip Tree)
Does it get more beautiful than this? This is the flower of the Liriodendron tulipifera, more commonly known as a tulip tree.
The Native Plant Garden at New York Botanical Garden
In the last several weeks, OvS Senior Associates Marisa N. Scalera and Hilary Oat-Judge have joined the New York Botanical Garden’s horticulture staff in final planting visits in anticipation of the opening of the new Native Plant Garden.
Restoration of the German-American Friendship Garden
On April 17, OvS Principal Lisa Delplace attended a ceremony at the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. to launch the restoration of the German-American Friendship Garden.
NYBG Preview Party & Collectors’ Plant Sale
On Thursday, April 25, Eric Groft attended the Preview Party & Collectors’ Plant Sale at the New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden Native Plant Garden Opening
Nearly five years in the making, OvS is pleased to announce the Grand Opening of the redesigned Native Plant Garden at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) on May 3.
The ‘Big’ Snow of 2013
It appears that the DC-Baltimore area is dodging another winter storm.
OvS Honors All Veterans This Veteran’s Day 2012
Today is Veterans Day and Oehme, van Sweden would like to honor all veterans and their families and remember their sacrifice for their country.
OvS at MANTS 2013
The Baltimore Convention Center hosted the 43rd Annual Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show or MANTS on January 9th, 10th and 11th.
UVA Bookstore Awarded LEED Silver Certification
Oehme, van Sweden is pleased to announce that the UVA Bookstore expansion has been awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification.
Winter Hill Opens Its Doors
Winter Hill, a historic mansion in Phillipstown, NY was recently converted into space for three nonprofits: the Garden Conservancy, the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival and the Hudson Highlands Land Trust.
Wave Hill Gardener’s Party
Recently, Oehme, van Sweden Principal Sheila Brady attended the Wave Hill Gardener’s Party, an annual event that benefits the Horticulture Program at Wave Hill, a 28-acre public garden overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades in the Bronx.
Eric Groft Visits Bath, England
During the last week of August through Labor Day, Eric D. Groft, Principal at Oehme, van Sweden, traveled to Bath and London, England.
Wolfgang Oehme: A Remembrance
On Saturday, October 6, a group of twenty people gathered at the home of Simon and Rosita Trinca in Greenwich, CT, to remember Oehme, van Sweden founding partner Wolfgang Oehme.
Landscape Design for the Avenue Suites at Georgetown
During the last week of August through Labor Day, Eric D. Groft, Principal at Oehme, van Sweden, traveled to Bath and London, England.
University of Virginia School of Architecture Holds Dean’s Forum
On Saturday September 22, 2012. Oehme, van Sweden Principal Eric Groft (MLA ’84)attended the 24th Annual Deans Forum for the Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia.