APGA’s Annual Conference
The annual conference of the American Public Gardens Association took place June 21 – 24, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA.
National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds
While it’s obvious to anyone that the Washington Monument is the defining feature of the Washington, DC skyline and the centerpiece of the National Mall, a design for the grounds around the monument has never been implemented, despite two centuries worth of ideas.
Seasonal Planting at Americana Manhasset
On the longest day of the year, Oehme, van Sweden had the pleasure of welcoming summer by laying out annual plantings at Americana Manhasset.
Hamptons Gardens Celebrated at Book Release Party
The latest tome of gardening, horticulture and design, Hamptons Gardens by Jack DeLashmet, was honored by a book release / cocktail party on Saturday, June 4th.
Garden Conservancy Society of Fellows Visits the Schupf Home
On Friday, June 10th the Garden Conservancy Society of Fellows Tour of the Hudson Valley stopped by the home and garden of Axel and Sara Schupf.
The ARF Hamptons Garden Tour – 25th Anniversary
The Animal Rescue Fund of The Hamptons is offering a self-guided visit to six delightful gardens in Bridgehampton and Sagaponack, including an Oehme, van Sweden garden on Ocean Road.
An Update on the Green Roof at United Therapeutics
OvS paid a visit to the United Therapeutics Headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland on May 25th to complete a Final Plant Warranty Inspection for the site.
A Visit to Garden Treasure Nursery
On Thursday Afternoon, May 19th, OvS Principal Eric Groft stopped by Garden Treasure Nursery in Sagaponock and walked a demonstration garden that owner Holger Winenga has established.
A Visit to Garden Treasure Nursery
On Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24 and 25, OvS Principal Eric Groft was in Houston, Texas for the Chung Mei Buddhist Temple Park Project presenting to the Temple and design team of Catherine Chao and Greg Yang, architects.
Eric Groft at Kendale Farm
On Friday May 4th Eric Groft visited Harrison and Sue Wellford at Kendale Farm on the Rappahannock River in Virginia.
Lisa Delplace at Toledo Botanical Garden
The horticulturally hungry descended upon The Toledo Botanical Garden in Toledo, OH on a Saturday in May for the annual spring plant sale.
New York Botanical Garden Azalea Garden Opening
The New York Botanical Garden commemorated its 120th anniversary with the grand opening of the New Azalea Garden on May 7 and 8 with a festive ceremonial ribbon-cutting and preview of the New Azalea Garden.
Eastern Shore Garden Tour
Guests from the Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens visited gardens designed and installed by Oehme, van Sweden & Associates on the eastern shore of Maryland on Monday May 9th.
A Visit to Sea Vue Farm
Oehme, van Sweden Principal Eric Groft, along with his sons Forest and Avery, visited Sea Vue Farm in Seaside, Virginia over the Easter holidays.
Spring is Here!
By this point, there is no doubting that we’ve been ready for Spring. Take a look at our past couple of postings – we’ve been talking about Spring’s arrival since late February!
Galanthus Elwesii
Is there a better announcement of spring then the first glimpse of a Snow Drop?
Arnold’s Promise
Our Hamamelis ‘Arnold Promise’ is blooming and quite fragrant this week. This dependable late February bloomer reminds us of what is around the corner.
Eric Groft & The Shipley’s Choice Garden Club
Oehme van Sweden Principal, Eric D. Groft, recently lectured on the newest OvS book, The Artful Garden: Creative Inspiration for Garden Design.
Scott Arboretum Visits Danieli Garden
This September, Oehme van Sweden principal, Eric Groft, will lead members of the Scott Arboretum on a tour of the lush East Hampton garden in The Springs on September 22nd of 2011.
Happy Birthday, Scott Paden!
Oehme van Sweden principal, Eric Groft, recently celebrated the birthday of an old friend. Scott Paden is the founding partner of Paden de la Fuente Architects in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.