
National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds

While it’s obvious to anyone that the Washington Monument is the defining feature of the Washington, DC skyline and the centerpiece of the National Mall, a design for the grounds around the monument has never been implemented, despite two centuries worth of ideas.

A Visit to Garden Treasure Nursery

On Thursday Afternoon, May 19th, OvS Principal Eric Groft stopped by Garden Treasure Nursery in Sagaponock and walked a demonstration garden that owner Holger Winenga has established.

Eric Groft at Kendale Farm

On Friday May 4th Eric Groft visited Harrison and Sue Wellford at Kendale Farm on the Rappahannock River in Virginia.

A Visit to Sea Vue Farm

Oehme, van Sweden Principal Eric Groft, along with his sons Forest and Avery, visited Sea Vue Farm in Seaside, Virginia over the Easter holidays.

Spring is Here!

By this point, there is no doubting that we’ve been ready for Spring. Take a look at our past couple of postings – we’ve been talking about Spring’s arrival since late February!

Galanthus Elwesii

Is there a better announcement of spring then the first glimpse of a Snow Drop?

Arnold’s Promise

Our Hamamelis ‘Arnold Promise’ is blooming and quite fragrant this week. This dependable late February bloomer reminds us of what is around the corner.

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