Leading with Landscape: North Carolina’s Research Triangle
This week’s guest blogger is Julie Matthews, a member of OvS’ design team. Together with Principal Eric Groft and Associate James Joyce, Julie recently joined The Culture Landscape Foundation (TCLF) in Raleigh, NC for the Leading with Landscape IV: Transforming North Carolina’s Research Triangle Conference and Tour.
Peak Bloom
Here in Washington, DC, The National Cherry Blossom Festival is well underway. The annual festival celebrates the gift of 3,000 Yoshino cherry trees (Prunus x yedoensis) from Tokyo to Washington, DC in 1912.
Eric Groft featured in LAM
Sheila Brady Wins Keesee Award
OvS Principal Sheila Brady has been named a recipient of Audubon New York’s 2017 Thomas W. Keesee, Jr. Conservation Award.