Old Church Road
Greenwich, CT
The historic Everett N. Blanke House is now the home of a large, active family. The driveway meets stone entry steps which lead to a garden terrace, where the focus is a large lily pool which seemingly emerges from the bedrock. A formal walled terrace garden and water feature is placed on the axis of the front door and library, and includes a dining terrace and outdoor kitchen. Off the expansive porch, a bowling lawn, surrounded by roses and boxwood, provides a transition to the raised swimming terrace. A large 60 x 20’ pool with built in annual planters, an in ground trampoline and formal lawn terrace surround this garden space. A great lawn sweeps up from lawn steps for formal tent parties and a place for the children to play lacrosse. The hidden fern garden, featuring a bench by Ben Forgey Jr., displays an array of ferns, mountain mint and spring favorites such as white bleeding heart and Rhodotypos.